Thursday, May 17, 2007

Clarifications; Urgent. Please Comment ASAP.

Venerated Ms. Kuang,
Here, i posit questions, regarding the assesment procedure and some requests, if i may.

Firstly, does 2 articles mean 40 marks in total? 1 response=20m? Is it like that? How is the maths done? Law of Averages? or Best of them all?

Additionally, is it veridical to assume that there will be no marks allocated for organisation, usage of words, stylistics, and the like? ie. Substance lords over form/appearance?

Secondly, may i so audaciously ask of you to comment on my "pieces". Flattered i am with praises.
However, i would still prefer Quote Ms. Yong's Blog, "AFIs", Areas for Improvements.

It would be even better if this could be more specific, than just spewing words like "grammar", "tone".

Thanks a lot for reading and assessing the pieces, and thank you, even more, for taking the extra time to help myself improve.

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